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News & Announcements

2018 ACISTE Annual Conference

ACISTE’s 2018 Annual Conference in Chicago was a great success. Thank you everyone who participated in the conference and helped make it happen! Here’s the original announcement and details about the conference for your reference.

ACISTE Call for Papers: Oct 2-7, 2018 Conference, Chicago IL

ACISTE is currently recruiting presenters for our annual Fall 2018 professional conference on Therapeutic Issues of Spiritually Transformative Experiences. Presentations should be approximately 45 minutes (with allowed time for Q & A). If you are a researcher or student who is engaged in research related to spiritual experiences or meeting the integration needs of experiencers or are a current or retired mental health professional with experience providing support to those who have repor…

Gratitude & Growth
~ Looking Ahead to 2018

ACISTE is growing! It’s been a busy year of rolling out new programs and making new connections. Last month we graduated our first class of peer group facilitators, and that’s just the beginning! Here’s what’s on the horizon for 2018:

What’s new at ACISTE? Watch CrazyWise!

Dear Friends of ACISTE: It is a pleasure to announce the publication of our first newsletter for 2017. The monthly issue will feature valuable research and critical perspectives true to our mission to better understand, support, and skillfully respond to the needs of experiencers, clients, community members, and perhaps even yourself! Each issue will feature an in-depth article relevant to working with STEs. Throughout the year, we hope to expand awareness, challenge assumptions, and offer …

2016 ACISTE Annual Conference

ACISTE’s 2016 Annual Conference in Palm Springs was a great success. Thank you everyone who participated in the conference and helped make it happen! We are gathering content from the presentations to make them available to you. Look for an announcement soon on this page and in our online forum for STE experiencers.

Save the Date!

ACISTE 2016 Annual Conference When: October 19th – 23rd, 2016 (Coaching Training Pre-Conference October 17th-19th, 2016) Where: DoubleTree Palm Springs resort Palm Springs, CA

Research Project: Have you experienced a spiritual event that transformed your life?

The deadline for the ISTEI survey has been extended to November 10 What A survey of how people integrate spiritually transformative experiences*. The study is oriented towards people who have had a profound life-changing spiritual experience that took months to years to integrate into their lives.

2015 Conference Postponed to Focus our Efforts

As the November 2015 conference approached, the Board of Directors realized that our attention was divided between establishing ACISTE as a broader community endeavor and preparing for an annual conference. We voted to postpone the conference until next year to focus on putting the people in place to run ACISTE’s ongoing operations. We have added volunteers who are creating a newsletter, doing accounting and bookkeeping, and updating our website. Board members have been networking with simila…


From the Board of Directors Your Board of Directors has been working behind the scenes to help ACISTE through its own spiritually transformative experience (STE), and it is re-emerging with new vigor. Until now, ACISTE was largely run by its founding visionary, Yolaine Stout, until her efforts were interrupted by a family member’s illness. Because of this you may have seen that our website was not updated and some contacts went unanswered, while the forum remained active. Yolaine continues t…

Thank you for a successful 2014 annual conference

ACISTE thanks everyone who attended and contributed to our successful 2014 annual conference in Dallas, TX. Our 3rd Annual Conference on Therapeutic Issues of Spiritually Transformative Experience was held at the Westin Park Central Hotel. We hosted exciting presentations on the latest research and innovative approaches to helping people with STEs. We also inaugurated training for ACISTE Certified Life Coaches. Look for more announcement…

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