Main Session: Carl Culbertson, M.Div.,PhD
Some Key Contributions of C. G. Jung to the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences in Psychotherapy
Keynote Presentation: Bruce Greyson, PhD
Sometimes a Cigar Is Just a Cigar
Pre-Conference Workshop
Pre-Conference Workshop: Life Coaching Certification Training with Rosie Kuhn, PhD
Pre-Conference Course Workshop
STE Theory 101 and Beyond: Basics and Clinical Implications
Breakout Session: Lupita Kirklin, PhD MS
The Near-Death Experience as a Spiritually Transformative Experience: An Alchemical and Jungian Point of View
Breakout Session: Jennifer Elam, PhD
Children’s Spiritually Transformative Experiences: Implications For Teachers, Parents And School Psychologists
Breakout Session: Jen Moores, PhD
Childhood NDE & STE and Psychotherapy
Breakout Session: Pamela McCorry, M.A., M.Div.
Seminary & Spiritual Emergencies
Breakout Session: V. Quinton Wacks, PhD
Soul Making in the Classroom of Life and Beyond