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Breakout Session: V. Quinton Wacks, PhD

Soul Making in the Classroom of Life and Beyond


The literature and experience of life after death will be examined, discussed and experienced. Its application for soul making and spiritual practice will be considered. Various experiential activities will be used to give the participants a personal experience of the state/stages of consciousness being offered for consideration as well as references to the presenter’s own life long experiences. This knowledge base supports and compliments the other approaches addressed in this conference and provides further opportunities to develop therapeutic responses to such experiences.

Presenter Bio

V. Quinton Wacks is Professor and Program Director of Psychology at Lincoln Memorial University in Harrogate, TN. He is trained as a counseling psychologist and teaches from a transpersonal and integral orientation. He also holds a doctorate in adult and continuing education and a graduate certificate in gerontology. His teaching, clinical, and research interests include late life spirituality, integration of psycho-spiritual content into the undergraduate psychology curriculum, life after death, and applied integral theory. He has taught courses in life after death, soul making, and spiritual practice for adult and senior education in various educational venues including the Institute of Noetic Sciences. He just served as guest editor of a special issue of the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology on “transpersonal gerontology” and his article, ‘The Elder as Sage, Old Age as Spiritual Path: Towards a Transpersonal Gerontology‘ served as the lead article. At age 21 he had a powerful spiritual awakening experience and has been guided by its teachings and subsequent experiences since.

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