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ACISTE Certified Mental Health Professionals

Rev. Karen E. Herrick PhD, LCSW, LMSW, CADC

ACISTE Certified Mental Health Professional (ACMHP)

Profile Photo

Certificant Contact Form: Karen E. Herrick

Please complete the form with as much detail as you're comfortable including. I will respond as soon as possible.

Call me at:732 530 8513
Currently licensed profession

PhD Spiritual Psychology

First year of licensure


Professional Licenses
License # State
#44SC01378800 New Jersey
#7916419 New York
Additional Certifications
Certification Organization/Issuing Body
Areas of practice


  • Near-death experiences
  • Out-of-body experiences
  • Paranormal experiences or aftereffects
  • Spiritual experiences
  • Other (please specify below)
Additional Specializations

Spiritual experiences with incest survivors

I can help with these STE associated concerns
  • Abandonment
  • Anger
  • Confusion
  • Depression
  • Finding life's purpose
  • Grief or loss
  • Identity issues
  • Psychic aftereffects
  • Relationship issues
  • Struggles with value shifts
  • Substance abuse
  • Troubles with integration
My approaches
  • Art Therapy
  • Bibliotherapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Dream Interpretation
  • Family Systems Therapy
  • Holotropic Breathwork
  • Humanistic
  • Jungian
  • Logotherapy
  • Psychodynamic
  • Transpersonal
  • Individuals
  • Support Groups
  • Families
  • Couples
How I can help

My approach in psychology is to use any method that seems to work- that would fit the client who is sitting in front of me. I believe in the social work axiom “Go where the client is.” I also adhere to Wm James, sometimes called the Father of American Psychology, who believed in people having religious and/or spiritual experiences. So, again as a therapist I am to listen to the client’s story and help validate them about what they have experienced. Carl Jung is my favorite Transpersonal Psychologist. He had his own “breakdown” in life where he experienced many things that he did not understand. However, he went with the process and eventually he came out a much more integrated person and therapist. His pain showed him another dimension as will the client’s if it is worked through. I like his five-layered model of the unconscious and the fact that he has a Self/Soul where your purpose in this life is found. I like that Jung accepted many different kinds of religions and philosophies – each having their own path to aide the client. I know that everyone experiences their own spiritual experience as a result of their personality and culture. They will be given the signs and symbols that will be most meaningful to them. It is my job to give the client hope that this experience is meaningful to their life.

About me and my approach


My Personal Interest in STEs

In l987, I had my first Holotropic Breathwork session. I was told to lie down, breathe to the music to activate my chakra system and “Don’t think.” It was probably the only time in my life that I turned off my mind from thinking. I experienced a rebirth which was coming down the birth canal physically with the thought “Where is my mother?” I also felt another breath inside of me that I now know was the Holy Spirit. It took me two years to decide that I wasn’t crazy and that something spiritual had happened to me. It was in reading about the Spiritual Experience of Bill Wilson, the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous that I realized I had felt the energy of God. I wanted to discover more about Spiritual Experiences and did many types of training for years afterwards to understand the Spiritual Experiences of many cultures. My PhD is in Naming Spiritual Experiences and I continue to attempt to discover the many patterns that lead us all to knowing that even if we can’t explain what happened to us, we KNOW something did happen and that we need to pay attention to it. I want to aide others in NOT having to take two years to discover what happened to them.

My Philosophy

Clients come to me because they know I have “weird” beliefs. These beliefs are those held for the most part by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychologist. I believe in past lives, having sessions with mediums (good mediums) being able to “talk” to a loved one for whom you are grieving, understanding your dreams, seeing “signs” and “symbols” that are meaningful to you and synchronistic experiences which usually happen during times of transition where one needs to have the path highlighted for them. Usually people have spiritual transforming experiences during times of stress. These are to lead them to a different depth or level in their life.

Higher Education
Degree School Year
Dr of Philosophy/Spiritual Psychology Union Institute and University 2008
Masters in Social Work Specialization Alcohol & Drugs School of Social Work 1984
BA Art with Art Therapy Magna Cum Laude Jersey City State College 1982
Where to find me


Office Address

205 Broad Street
PO Box 8640
Red Bank, NJ 07701
United States
Map It

  • 732 530 8513
Other contact method

I can meet the following ways
  • In my office
  • By phone
  • Other (please specify below)
Other ways I can meet with clients

Skype and FaceTime


Monday 10 am - 7 pm
Wednesday 10 am - 7 pm
Thursday 10 am - 1 pm



Sliding scale



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