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From the Session Abstract

Compassionate Care and Feeding of STE in Brazil: A 130 Year Old Tradition

In the 1850’s a branch of Spiritualism, called Spiritism, was born in Paris, France. It’s based on the merging of: religion, philosophy and science and emanated from the channeling of hundreds of independent mediums, organized and collated by Allan Kardec (an academic).

Spiritism soon found its way to Brazil and has thrived there, spawning 12,000+ community centers and 50 psychiatric hospitals that attend to 20-40 million Brazilians. In the hospitals psychiatrists collaborate with medical intuitives and spiritual healers in diagnosis and treatment. The centers provide learning to nurture well-being (pre-birth to elders). Medical intuitives and spiritual healers join with teachers. All engage in charitable giving in a comprehensive and companionable path to spiritual evolution. Each center is ultimately guided by highly evolved spirits who “sit” in Board meetings.

Spiritists welcome people of all religious and cultural backgrounds. They recognize that many people suffer from “repressed mediumicity” because we are all mediums who need to harness our gifts. Spiritism represents a way of life—not a religion! All of their programs are free and they operate on donation basis. We have nothing to compare it to…and it just may have something to offer our ailing healthcare system.

Additional information

Recording Notes

Please note that the recording is the "raw" recording from the conference. Some recordings will have some time (up to a couple of minutes) of silence or "conference noise" before the speaker begins.