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Looking for Case Narratives: Spiritually Transformative Experiences


Have you sought help from a therapist, counselor, spiritual director, or similar type of helping professional related to a spiritual or religious experience (also called a significant life or quantum change event, exceptional human experience, mystical experience, peak experience, or spiritually transformative experience)? If so, please consider contributing your case to a project intended to train professionals in discerning and meeting the needs of those who have had similar experiences. Your participation will involve sharing the details of your experience via an online survey, after which a written case study will be drafted. If your story is selected for future training purposes, you will be contacted for a follow-up phone interview to clarify the details of your experience and assure that all identifying information is disguised to your level of comfort. The estimated total time commitment involved in both completing the survey and participating in the phone interview is estimated to be between 45 and 60 minutes. Participation is strictly voluntary, with no associated compensation. Your contribution to this project will primarily facilitate the training of clinicians and helping professionals who may encounter individuals within their practice who have had similar experiences. Additionally, your contribution will help increase understanding for the benefit of clinicians and scholars in the fields of psychology and spiritual guidance counseling. You can complete the survey at . For more information, or to participate, please contact Katrina Burgos at

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