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Dr. Kylie Harris


Spiritual Emergence(y) and Personality: Exploring the Role of Schizotypy


Dr. Harris will present the findings of my PhD research, which explored the role of schizotypy in relation to the experience of spiritual emergence(y). Schizotypy is a personality variable that has demonstrated a relationship with clinical psychosis. However, my research supports previous findings that psychotic-like symptoms are not necessarily associated with pathology, which necessitates a reconceptualization of current diagnostic criteria. The results also demonstrated measurable clinical and personality markers that may help: (1) identify cases of diagnosed clinical psychosis that may be best treated using a spiritual emergence(y) framework, and (2) identify individuals who may be at risk of experiencing the potentially debilitating effects of spiritual emergence(y).

Presenter Bio

Kylie P. Harris, PhD, is an independent research psychologist, writer, and activist from Australia. She is an academic at the University of New England, and a research assistant for The Juice Media. Her doctoral thesis investigated the relationships between spiritual emergence(y), psychosis, and personality. She has presented her work at local and international conferences, and published book chapters and journal articles in peer reviewed journals. She is a founding board director of The Australian Centre for Consciousness Studies, a member of the Emergent Phenomenology Research Consortium, and an Ambassador for the WallOBooks and Great Life Choice programs.

Kylie works experientially and her research is guided by personal experience. She is interested in investigating the psychology of climate change and the global crisis; and shamanic and Indigenous perspectives towards healing and transformation. She also enjoys writing and presenting for the general population, including radio and podcast interviews for mainstream audiences.

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