Zachary Feder
Mitigating the Catastrophic Effects of Psycho-Spiritual Transformation upon Self and Family
Julia Sellers , Mgr., Bc., BA HONRS, BDiv., MACCPH
Transpersonal and transformative potential of anomalous perceptual experiences with the emphasis on out-of-body experiences
Lindsey T. Owens, MA
Widening the Sacred: Cultivating Resilience Through the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs)
Dr. Rosie Kuhn
Applications of Practice for Working with Individuals Integrating STE’s
Dr. Terri Daniel
Mystical Experiences of the Dying: Multi-Cultural Perspectives
Suzy Ross, Ph.D., CTRS, RTC
The Figure-8 Model of a Complete Transformation: An Empirically-Based Understanding of the Integration of Transformation
POSTPONED: 2020 ACISTE Annual Conference
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the cancellation of hundreds of scientific and other types of conferences worldwide through December of 2020 (and beyond), underscoring that despite our best efforts the environment is not conducive to the forward momentum for ACISTE’s 2020 annual conference. Many people are facing massive financial losses and unemployment, thus it is easy to see how sponsors and participants in conferences like ours confront these same challenges as well. Therefore, we regret…
Mark Boccuzzi
Fostering Public Engagement with After-Death Communication Experiences Through Art and Technology
Devi Prem, PhD
Drawing Strength from Spiritually Transformative Experiences in Times of Crisis