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Breakout Session: Lorraine Van Tuyl, PhD, CHT

How Spiritual Emergencies & Trauma are Transformed with Depth Hypnosis


Depth Hypnosis was created by Dr. Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D., and is an integrative therapeutic model that uses the umbrella of Transpersonal Psychology to unify its multiple streams of understanding, including traditional hypnotherapy, Buddhist Psychology, the catalytic processes of earth-based wisdom, energy medicine, and exposure therapy. Techniques used in Depth Hypnosis include meditations creating connection to experiences of higher self, insight inquiry, suggestion hypnosis, regression therapy, and removal of energetic interference.

In essence, Depth Hypnosis is a comprehensive, soul retrieval technology that empowers clients and catalyzes their own self-healing potential. It teaches them how to access spiritual guidance and creative healing solutions that usually remain on the periphery of their conceptual minds and everyday consciousness. These resources lead them back to their inner wisdom and the root causes of suffering in order to transform them at their source (Gucciardi, 2004).

Case examples and an experiential exercise will provide a taste of the transformative power of Depth Hypnosis, an integral part of Dr. Van Tuyl’s Soul Sanctuary Alchemy signature model, in alleviating moderate to clinical levels of anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms in as few as 4-8 sessions.

Presenter Bio

Loraine Van Tuyl, PhD, CHT, is a holistic psychologist, shamanic Depth Hypnosis practitioner, dynamic speaker, WomanSpeak leader, and award-winning author of Amazon Wisdom Keeper: a Psychologist’s Memoir of Spiritual Awakening.

She believes that the most effective way to heal our spiritually arid world is to excavate and support women’s deep wells of wisdom, dreams, and soul callings. Her two-decade devotion to awakening fierce, wise women has led to the empowerment of hundreds of trailblazers in psychology, holistic health, academia, the arts, social justice and entrepreneurship. She cultivates unwavering trust in their power, clarity, and intuitive ingenuity through her signature Soul Sanctuary Alchemy self-healing model.

Her work has appeared in Elephant Journal, Rebelle Society, and Byrdie. She has presented multiple times at the UC Berkeley Counseling Center and Native American Health Center, and has been interviewed by the Amazon Conservation Team, Divine Insight, All Things Therapy, Conscious Talk, Good Vibrations, Bringing Inspiration to Earth, and more.

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