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Amy Mehus


Spiritual Transformation Through the Psychological Crisis: An Analysis from Withing and Insights for Recovery


Amy will share a formal presentation that includes a personal journey through a psychological crisis and passage into the realm of non-ordinary states of consciousness. She will share the internal view of her experience and the understanding that developed through recovery and transformation. Her unique perspective tied together with many years of both formal and informal research and education, unveils the underlying logic of the seemingly chaotic and irrational response that is often displayed during these episodes. Presentation includes discussion of mind, mental health and the importance of including the ‘lived experience’ perspective within our mental healthcare system.

Presenter Bio

Amy Mehus is a licensed financial service professional devoted to creating change within our mental healthcare system. She studies ‘Pro-Consciousness Medicine’ and natural medicine at the International Quantum University for Integrative Medicine in Honolulu, Hawaii. She holds a Bachelor in Holistic Health Sciences and continues her studies through the university’s doctorate and PhD program.

Amy is a survivor of an extensive psychological crisis which included multiple STEs, beginning in her teens and lasting well into her twenties. She sought help through the mainstream mental healthcare system only to discover that understanding of psychological crises and the ability to assist were limited. She left the system and blazed her own path to recovery and transformation. Amy is now dedicated to sharing her experience and insights to help others and advocate for transforming our understanding and approach to mental healthcare.

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