2021 ACISTE Annual Conference
About the Conference
Please join us for our first virtual event!
The main conference will be held from 11am to 7:30pm EST – Online
Friday, October 8, 2021 and Saturday , October 9, 2021.
Conference recordings will be available to ticket holders for 30 days.
The Main Conference tickets sales are non-refundable.
Please consider becoming an ACISTE Certified Professional
The Certification Training Day will be held virtually, date TBA. Register for certification when registering for the main conference.
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2021 MHP and SGC SGC Conference Promo
ACISTE Certified MHP Application 2021
2021 MHP and SGC SGC Conference Promo
According to ACISTE’s first survey of 60 experiencers, 50% dealt with depression, 10% suffered from substance abuse, 6.7% had attempted suicide as a direct or indirect consequence of their STE(s). Only 5% indicated they had no challenges. Experiencers need therapists trained in differential diagnosis and the integration needs of spiritually transformative experiences.
This year’s presenters
Suzy Ross, Ph.D., CTRS, RTC
The Figure-8 Model of a Complete Transformation: An Empirically-Based Understanding of the Integration of Transformation
The Figure-8 Model of a Complete Transformation draws upon and corroborates with literature of 13 disciplines and is the result of over fifteen years of analysis seeded in this presenter’s doctoral research. Using a qualitative method called cooperative inquiry, coresearchers analyzed the lived experience of integrating transformative experiences that occurred during international travel facilitated as sacred play. The intent of the seminal study was to discern through cycles of embodied activities and critical discourse, if there is an underlying archetypal pattern to integrating life-changing, spiritual experience. The result produced a figure-8 pattern, which is illustrated in a book written by this presenter called, The Map to Wholeness: Real-life Stories of Crisis, Change, and Reinvention. Specifically, the research indicates that integration involves nine distinct phases that in total, clarify the necessity of struggle, strife, loss, and emotional anguish during integration. The outcomes further affirm why the majority of people who have had a STE struggle with depression, substance abuse, and other problems. In this session you will learn The Model of a Complete Transformation, it’s two cycles and 13-phases, and the aspects of self that the biopsychospiritual system integrates.Presenter Bio

Devi Prem, PhD
Drawing Strength from Spiritually Transformative Experiences in Times of Crisis
Dr. Devi Prem will present a practical approach to working with clients in times of personal or collective crisis. When sudden changes happen in a person’s life, may it be due to an injury or outer force, inner balance tends to be disrupted. Dr. Prem will outline the importance of bringing the mind and body in alignment with the soul. Her approach is soul-oriented. Once the client has access to the soul, balance in the mind can be re-established. She will utilize meditation and creative expression to access prior spiritually transformative experiences to draw strength from. You will receive a toolset of short meditation practices and an approach for creative expression. Further Dr. Prem will speak to the power of gratitude drawing from her research.Presenter Bio

Zachary Feder
Mitigating the Catastrophic Effects of Psycho-Spiritual Transformation upon Self and Family
Every family has someone who undergoes a psycho-spiritual transformation, something that can act as a catalyst for the lineage and unshift the level of healing, communion and integrity of the individuals involved. However without understanding the nuances and psychological requirements of the phenomenon the child going through the process will often become the "black sheep" of the family, the "scapegoat", the "sin eater" and in the worst of scenarios "the leper" - because their transformation has been misunderstood, marginalized, and even banished altogether by the tribe, which will only repeat the cycle of family trauma and give rise to illness, often times chronic. In this presentation you will hear the most common trends of undergoing this transition upon self and family following fifteen years of hand on support and research in the field and how best to realign the child's transformation back to its most generative archetype.Presenter Bio

Julia Sellers , Mgr., Bc., BA HONRS, BDiv., MACCPH
Transpersonal and transformative potential of anomalous perceptual experiences with the emphasis on out-of-body experiences
My presentation aims at describing phenomenology, semiology and the transpersonal potential of autoscopic phenomena such as out-of-body experiences (OBEs) as well as other experiences based on anomalous perception. I will present an anecdotal as well as first and second hand description of OBEs experienced by two experiencers. I will further discuss transformative and transpersonal element of OBEs. My presentation introduces a new approach of researching OBEs based on direct know how, mastery and first hand observation by experiencers themselves. Over the last 20 years I have been compiling characteristics (typology) of OBEs and researching the transformative potential of these extraordinary experiences. I will further present my belief that OBEs in healthy individuals are an essential part of the development of human psyche as well as what could be referred to as extraordinary or transcendental states of consciousness. I strongly believe that OBEs are life’s transformative events that bring a host of potential benefits to their experiencers, especially in the form of spiritual transformation. They have potential to help people on their journey of spiritual emergence leading to transformation and even transcendence. OBEs further hold a high potential to heal both on the psychological as well as physical level. In my presentation I will further argue that OBEs do not require special conditions such as sleep, near death experience, extreme physical effort, or induction (mental, mechanical or chemical) to occur. Rejection of subjective experience is quite strong in mainstream science. Therefore examining the insights of subjective experience will greatly contribute to strengthening of holistic approach both in the OBEs as well as the consciousness study in general. In the second part of my presentation I will introduce The SEA Slovakia/Czechia (Spiritual Emergence Anonymous in Slovakia and Czechia), a grassroots 12-Step program for Spiritual Emergence. The aim of the program is to support spiritual emergers and help individuals who are undergoing psycho-spiritual crisis known as spiritual emergency.Presenter Bio

Lindsey T. Owens, MA
Widening the Sacred: Cultivating Resilience Through the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs)
After 20 years of gathering stories of STEs, this formal presentation will explore common themes and universalities typically found within those experiences to glean the potential foundational phenomenological qualities of consciousness and the integration of those particular attributes. Difficulties in regard to integration can be seen as an inability to successfully merge what was learned “there” into one’s life “here” to some degree or capacity. Using STEs as a way to develop a spiritual philosophy in order to protect against a tendency toward maladaptive coping patterns will also be discussed. As we continue the crucial work to assist individuals with integration of STEs, it is also time to meet individuals in the middle of their integration processes by shifting some focus to the alteration of broader systems within the collective as well to accommodate and assimilate this information.Presenter Bio

Dr. Rosie Kuhn
Applications of Practice for Working with Individuals Integrating STE’s
This presentation clearly outlines principles, tools and skills which bring efficacy to the process of integration of STE’s. As therapists, spiritual guides, and life and spiritual coaches, our work is the same:- To create a context within which experiencers can experience themselves as whole beings, capable of transcending the barriers to the fulfillment of their human-spirit.
- To create a space within which an individual grows their capacity for courage and strength, in order to endure their worst fears, their darkest moments, and the ecstatic joys accessible and available only through human existence.
- To cultivate self-trust, self-acceptance, self-reverence in order to willingly choose the path that is their’s and their’s alone.
- To emancipate oneself from limiting perceptions and interpretations through which they have seen the world - up until their STE.
- To Faith-Leap into a Paradigm Shift where transformative experiences and knowing is given space and reverence, in the here and now of their human existence, and much more will be discussed in relationship to how to empower clients in the integration process.
Presenter Bio

Dr. Terri Daniel
Mystical Experiences of the Dying: Multi-Cultural Perspectives
Mystical experiences at end-of-life -- such as deathbed visions, out-of-body journeys and near-death experiences -- have been recorded since the beginning of human history. These accounts appear in sacred texts across cultures and religions, but did not enter the realm of contemporary academic research until the 1970s, when Dr. Raymond Moody and Dr. Melvin Morse published their findings on near-death experience. Since then, the topic has been widely studied, and reports from resuscitated patients have entered the medical mainstream through the work of contemporary researchers, most notably, Dr. Sam Parnia and Dr. Pim Van Lommel. In this presentation we will explore:1. Types of EOL spiritual experiences 2. Historical, religious and cultural influences 3. Current research 4. How to support patients having these experiences 5. Promoting acceptance of these experiences in clinical settings.Presenter Bio

- A Swan in Heaven: Conversations Between Two Worlds (2007)
- Embracing Death: A New Look at Grief, Gratitude and God (2010)
- Turning the Corner on Grief Street: Loss and Trauma as a Journey to Awakening (2014)
- Grief and God: When Religion Does More Harm Than Healing (2019)
Dr. Nicole Gruel
The Perks & Perils Of Awakening
As fascinating as spiritually transformative experiences are, what happens beyond them is equally fascinating. In fact, where integration of such experiences begins and ends is a very fuzzy line, and some experiencers would offer that integration can be a life-long process. Navigating life beyond profound STEs and awakening experiences is full of paradox. It is simple, yet complex. It is easy, yet hard. It is a joy, yet painful. Experiencers often navigate clear stages after their experiences that include understanding the gifts of the experience, discovering their own gifts, moving into meaningful service, and being an active and engaged citizen in a world plagued by problems. Along the way, they discover the many perks and perils of life as a modern person with expanded consciousness.Presenter Bio

Dr. Kylie Harris
Spiritual Emergence(y) and Personality: Exploring the Role of Schizotypy
Dr. Harris will present the findings of my PhD research, which explored the role of schizotypy in relation to the experience of spiritual emergence(y). Schizotypy is a personality variable that has demonstrated a relationship with clinical psychosis. However, my research supports previous findings that psychotic-like symptoms are not necessarily associated with pathology, which necessitates a reconceptualization of current diagnostic criteria. The results also demonstrated measurable clinical and personality markers that may help: (1) identify cases of diagnosed clinical psychosis that may be best treated using a spiritual emergence(y) framework, and (2) identify individuals who may be at risk of experiencing the potentially debilitating effects of spiritual emergence(y).Presenter Bio

Amy Mehus
Spiritual Transformation Through the Psychological Crisis: An Analysis from Withing and Insights for Recovery
Amy will share a formal presentation that includes a personal journey through a psychological crisis and passage into the realm of non-ordinary states of consciousness. She will share the internal view of her experience and the understanding that developed through recovery and transformation. Her unique perspective tied together with many years of both formal and informal research and education, unveils the underlying logic of the seemingly chaotic and irrational response that is often displayed during these episodes. Presentation includes discussion of mind, mental health and the importance of including the ‘lived experience’ perspective within our mental healthcare system.Presenter Bio

Dr. Katrina Michelle
Experiencer Panel Discussion - Topic: Description of Challenges of STEs
This presentation will highlight a panel discussion with three experiencers who will share their spiritually transformative experiences, to includes the challenges, wisdom, and changes they experienced as well as their integration process.Presenter Bio

Edy Nathan, MA, LCSWR, CST
Family Therapy Best Practices: The Near-Death Experience and Spiritual Emergency’s – How to Listen and Support intact Crucial Conversations
As clinicians, there is often a struggle as to how to help family members understand the needs of someone who has had a near-death experience or a spiritual emergency. Learn the four elements to help you navigate this unknown territory with your clients. The four elements will enable you to listen with clarity, help them curate and identify their narratives, clarify how their perspectives have changed and how they presently interact, and respond to the here and now. The triangle of Grief, Fear, and Joy interacts with the triangle of family, friends, and professional relationships. From isolation to secrets learn 3 specific interactive tasks to help break through the misunderstandings that lead to isolation, and the sense that secrets are the only way to be safe.Presenter Bio

William Peters, M.Ed., MFT
The Shared Death Experience: Clinical Methods to Harvest the Therapeutic Benefits
In this presentation, William will define the Shared Death Experience, elaborate a typology, identify the remarkable aftereffects, and detail the clinical methods to optimize therapeutic benefit. William will present video case studies of experiencers from the Shared Crossing Research Initiative Library to illustrate the key features of the SDE. The presentation will include time for Q&A.Presenter Bio

* Information on Continuing Education Credit for Health Professionals
- CE credits for psychologists are provided by the Spiritual Competency Resource Center (SCRC) which is co-sponsoring this program. The Spiritual Competency Resource Center is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Spiritual Competency Resource Center maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
- The California Board of Behavioral Sciences accepts CE credits for LCSW, LPCC, LEP, and LMFT license renewal for programs offered by approved sponsors of CE by the American Psychological Association.
- LCSWs, MFTs, and other mental health professionals from states other than California need to check with their state licensing board as to whether or not they accept programs offered by approved sponsors of CE by the American Psychological Association.
- SCRC is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN ProviderCEP16887) for licensed nurses in California.
- For questions about receiving your Certificate of Attendance, contact ACISTE at info@aciste.org. For questions about CE, visit www.spiritualcompetency.com or contact David Lukoff, PhD at CE@spiritualcompetency.com.
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