Main Session: Bonnie Greenwell, PhD, LPC
Identifying and Supporting Spiritual Transformation
Both spiritual and medical communities need a new paradigm for understanding and supporting STEs and the awakenings of energy and consciousness that accompany them. My presentation, based on doctoral research, followed by 30 years of consultations with over 2000 people in a spiritually emergent process, will focus on four areas: 1. Seven Categories of phenomena that typically arise during and after an initial spiritual awakening, 2. Historical evidence for identifying the phenomena of energy arising and consciousness shifting into new perspectives as either within a normative range for spiritual seekers or as spontaneous transformative events, 3. The most common emotional and physical challenges that arise within this process, and 4. Seven essential steps that support a spiritually transformative experience.
Presenter Bio
Bonnie Greenwell Ph.D. is a transpersonal therapist and a non-dual teacher in the lineage of Adyashanti. A graduate of ITP, and previously director of the Transpersonal Counseling Center at ITP, she wrote “Energies of Transformation: A Guide to the Kundalini Process”, following her personal experiences and her doctoral research; published in 2015 “The Kundalini Guide” and “The Awakening Guide”, based on 30 years work as a therapist and spiritual teacher; contributed to the anthology “Kundalini Rising” ; and was the editor of Adyashanti’s book “Emptiness Dancing”. She has lectured and trained therapists internationally to work with spiritual emergence and kundalini awakening, and currently offers consultations, webinars and retreats through Shanti River Center in Ashland, Oregon, focused on supporting the spiritual awakening process. She has two websites: and and an Awakened Living blog at